Aurora Carbonell

Aurora Carbonell (age 47) was born on 14 August 1976 in the city of Alicante. Aurora Carbonell's number in life is 9 according to numerology. She is also a famous actor on television. She is most famous for appearing in recurring roles on several television shows, such as El Comisario Hospital Central and El Secreto de Puente Viejo. Her other notable role is her role as Lorena in the 2003 film Mas of mil camaras, velan por tu seguridad. A Life Path 9 is an individual who sets out in search of new adventures and growth throughout their lives. The people who have the Life Path number 9 just such as Aurora Carbonell, always seek to learn and experience new things. They also like to have deep conversations. In September 2019 she posted an Instagram photo Instagram together with Peter Lindbergh. Candace Cameron Bure, Tia Mowry Sarah Paulson & Tamera Mowry are also her acquaintances.

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